So, we finally fulfill our promise and report on Marcel's new Commander deck.
Commander: Tergrid, God of Fright
The deck is really powerful and tricky; it is a lot of fun to play and has a chance against every deck, where my other Commander decks often had no chance.
The mechanic behind it is very simple: we force the opponent to sacrifice creatures or discard cards from their hand. And then we take them all over if they are permanents. In the first few rounds, I often can't play much because the Commander should be on the battlefield first, and then we really pick up speed. Therefore, I always pay attention to a balanced mana base and several mana sources!
Commander Deck List:
Commander (1): Tergrid, God of Fright
Lands (38):
Snowcovered Swamp (18)
Je 1x:
Strip minde (I love this card; it can always take the speed out of the opponent's game!)
Cabal Stronghold
Command Beacon
Ancient Tomb
Barren Moor
Nythos, Shrine to Nyx
Verlassener Tempel
War Room
Castle Locthwain
Phyrexian Tower
Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth
Gemstone Caverns
Crypt of Agadeem
Geier Reach Sanitarium
Reliquiry Tower
Witch’s Cottage
Agadeem, the Undercrypt
Liliana oft he Veil
Instants (3):
Liliana’s Triumph
Tergrid’s Shadow
Skeletal Scrying
Sorcery (14):
Torment of Hailfire
Diabolic Intent
Mind Twist
Death Cloud
Living Death
Mind Rake
Demonic Tutor
Pelakka Predation
Dark Deal
Enchantments (9)
Belebung der Toten
Dreadhorde Invasion
Phyrexian Reclamation
Necrogen Mists
Phyrexian Arena
Kaya’s Ghostform
Waste Not
Creatures (18):
Archfiend of Depravity
Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder
Liliana’s Specter
Hypnotic Specter
Rankle, Master of Pranks
Ashling, the Extinguisher
The Haunt of Hightower
Tinybones, Trinket Thief
Grave Titan
Eradicator Valkyrie
Priest of Forgotten Gods
Sidisi, Undead Vizier
Dark Confidant
Fell Specter
Liliana, Heretical Healer
Artefakte (16):
Mana Crypt
Extraplanar Lens
Memory Jar
Expedition Map
Arcane Signet
Chrome Mox
Jeweled Lotus
Jet Medallion
Thought Vessel
Chromatic Orrery
Mox Amber
Nyx Lotus
Wayfarer’s Bauble
Anvil of Bogardan
Commander‘s Sphere
This is it, the deck list. What do you think? What is still missing? What would you add?
Ziemlich mies:)
Tegrid habe ich auch eben erst gezogen und finde sie mega gut. Werde mir auch ein Deck mit ihr bauen….aber wohl eher die Budget Variante 😄
Coole Liste! Sieht genau so eklig wie mein Tinybones Deck aus^^
Vielleicht noch ein Geth’s Grimoire als zusätzlichen Card Draw… Ist zumindest nie verkehrt.